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2023-24 Update: IFRS

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There is currently a lot happening in the world of IFRS. This update gives you all you need to know about the results of post-implementation reviews of existing IFRS Accounting Standards, and the launch of the first two IFRS Sustainability Standards.

There is currently a lot happening in the world of IFRS. This course explores the results of post-implementation reviews of existing IFRS Accounting Standards, and the launch of the first two IFRS Sustainability Standards.

Specific standards covered include IFRS 3, 10, 11 and 12, IFRs for SMEs, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. We also take a more detailed dive into sustainability reporting, disclosures around business combinations, the measurement of goodwill, and fair value measurement for SMEs.

• IFRS 10, 11 and 12
• Sustainability standards
• Business combinations
• IFRS for SMEs

Upon satisfactory completion of this activity, you will be able to:

• Stay on top of all the recent and proposed changes to IFRS and the new Sustainability Standards.

• Understand the outcomes of the post-implementation reviews of IFRS 3, 10, 11 and 12.
• Plan ahead for the two new IFRS Sustainability Standards effective for reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024.
• Make better disclosures concerning business combinations.
• Discuss the contentious issue of the amortisation of goodwill.
• Recognise and prepare for upcoming changes to IFRS for SMEs following the latest review.

Stay updated with changes to IFRS and sustainability standards as well as planning ahead for future changes.

Self-spaced learning

Wayne Bartlett

Specialising in public sector financial management and budgeting, Wayne has worked as a consultant and lecturer throughout the world.



Topic: Future Focused

Sub-Topic: Sustainability

Format: eLearning

Proficiency Level: Intermediate, Advanced

CPD: Upto 4 hours